We work with organizational development and offer leadership and employeeship programs, lectures, workshops, and consultancy among other things. We at Hej Engagemang ground our approach in proven organizational psychology research, focusing on creating environments where well-being, psychological safety, and high performance thrive among organizations, teams, and individuals. We are experts in leadership, and all the activities that we offer can be conducted either digitally, physically, or in a hybrid manner.
You, as a leader, are one of the most crucial pieces of the engagement puzzle!
The collective research shows that leadership is one of the most important factors in creating conditions for motivation, well-being, performance, and goal achievement among employees. Transitioning from learning to actionable leadership is key to fostering an environment where motivation, psychological safety, and engagement flourish, ultimately enhancing your effectiveness as a leader and driving improved performance and results among your team.
What does established research say about effective, well-being, and high-performing teams under good leadership? The research shows that teams with engaged employees have less absenteeism, perform better, achieve their goals to a greater extent, have higher customer satisfaction, are 25% more productive, and on average 22% more profitable than teams with low engagement.
We are all employees AND leaders.
We are all leaders in our own lives, both at work and outside. It’s up to you and no one else to create your desired work life. The art of leading oneself, leading in collaboration with others, leading others, and being led – leadership has various dimensions, and the most important thing is to realize that you are entirely responsible for your engagement and well-being. And that you also have a responsibility to reflect on where you want to go and how to get there. You must communicate to those around you the conditions you need to feel engaged, feel good, and perform well over time.
In a workplace where the employee culture is populated by dialogue, meaning, kindness, clarity, collaboration, and high responsibility, greatness will be created, we promise. In the employee relationship, a sense of unity is formed, which contributes to the organization’s feeling that they are working together to achieve their goals. We help you develop the employeeship by making it easy to do the right thing – if you know what to do, that is.
Engagement is like a chain where all links are equally important.
Employee communication, good employee relations, and good leadership are all linked together. Only when we have good leadership, employeeship, and employee communication in place, are there conditions to feel engagement and motivation. This in turn leads to well-being and improved performance, which creates sustainable results over time.
An engaged, well-being, and high-performing organization is not something you get, but something you earn. Without the right conditions in place, engagement, well-being, and good performance will be noticeably absent. So, what should we as managers do and not do to succeed in creating that magical engagement? We have the answers!
Engagement and communication are besties #BFF.
Communication is a tool to connect managers with employees, colleagues with each other, and every individual in the organization ultimately with customers. And not least to link employees with the organization’s vision, so they understand the purpose of what they do every day at work and simultaneously feel that it’s meaningful. Some of the recurring factors to drive engagement at work are connection and communication.
With increased transparency and social media now being an integral part of the engaged employee life, professional information has become a two-way street. With that in mind, we believe it’s time that internal communication is replaced with new values and functions better encapsulated by the term employee communication.
Perform thanks to (and not at the expense of) your well-being!
For us, it’s a given that every employee should be able to perform thanks to their well-being and not at its expense. Unfortunately, that’s often not the reality. We are passionate about creating well-being and high-performing teams where performances are sustained over time. We aim to build a solid foundation in organizations where performance and well-being go hand in hand, strengthening each other on the way forward.
At Hej Engagemang, we understand that psychological safety is foundational to a thriving workplace. It ensures that all team members feel safe to express ideas, ask questions, and take risks without fear of negative consequences. Integrating psychological safety into our programs, we create the conditions necessary for innovation, collaboration, and sustained high performance.
Getting all the pieces in place for sustainable performances with the right conditions for optimal recovery requires both knowledge, drive, and a systematic approach. So, what should an organization do and not do to succeed in creating that magical synergy between performance and well-being? We know how to make it happen!
For us, educational efforts must become an investment and not a cost for our clients. That's why our Leadership Program is structured over 12–18 months with a format that research shows is effective. Additionally, we continuously measure our impact to keep track of the development together with our clients and encourage participants' progress in our programs and activities.
It is only when we have good leadership, employee engagement, and employee communication in place that there are conditions to feel committed and engaged. Which in turn leads to well-being and better performance, producing sustainable results over time. Which organization wouldn't want that?
Do you want to learn more about how to contribute to commitment and sustainable results with employee engagement as fuel? Then this e-book is for you.
This is a handbook on employeeship, leadership, and employee engagement, and about acting! To make things happen! The book starts by giving you a perspective on what organizational psychology research says needs to be in place to create engaged, well-being, and high-performing individuals, teams, and organizations. From the perspectives of employeeship, leadership, and employee communication, the reader, through concrete tips, learns how to support individuals, teams, and organizations in their development. By creating sustainable results over time, the whole organization's engagement increases, and more people can enhance their well-being and performance.
Here are concrete tools and practical solutions served in an easy-going and motivating manner. Whether you are a manager, an employee, working in the field, pondering the company's strategies, coding software, diving into excels files, sitting in the office, manning the cash register, experimenting in the lab, or keeping an eye on the inventory, there are concrete tips on how you and your colleagues can together create a workplace permeated by engagement, joy at work, and well-being.
Vi vill vara i kontakt med dig, för tillsammans blir vi starkare! I vårt nyhetsbrev får du ta del av spännande artiklar, forskning, tips och inspiration på temat engagemang.
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